Punishment and cosmic justice in Plotinus' theory of providence


  • Patricio Domínguez Valdés Universidad de Los Andes


This article explores one aspect of the Plotinian answer to the problem of evil in his treatise on providence (En. III, 2, 3 [47]), i.e. the question concerning the suffering of the virtuous and the apparent impunity of the vicious. To that end, it analyzes the Platonic doctrines used by Plotinus (Adrasteia in Phedrus 248ff. and the lex talionis of Laws IX, 872e) in the light of the metaphor of the piece of theater, based on which Plotinus intends to make comprehensible the way the providence rules the universe with utmost justice.


Plotinus, providence, Adrasteia, punishment, justice

Author Biography

Patricio Domínguez Valdés, Universidad de Los Andes

Licenciado en Filosofía, Universidad de los Andes, Chile. Doctor en Filosofía, Universidad de Tubinga, Alemania. Profesor adjunto al Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad de Los Andes, Santiago de Chile