The first decade of the fourteenth century was a period of political, military and financial crisis in Byzantium. The inability of the government of Andronikos II Palaiologos (1282-1328) to resist the expansion of the Turcoman principalities caused the dissatisfaction of the Anatolian soldiers and resulted in a series of revolts and conspiracies. One of these was the revolt of Kassianos in Mesothynia in 1306. The analysis of this local rebellion contributes to the better understanding of the military developments in Asia Minor in the first decade of the fourteenth century.
Kassianos, Asia Minor, Byzantine Army, Andronikos II, Mesothynia
Kyriakidis, S. (2014). The revolt of the General Kassianos in Mesothynia (1306). Byzantion Nea Hellás, (33), Pág. 165–180. Retrieved from