The lesbian dialect


  • Ronald Forero Álvarez Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


This paper is divided into two parts. The first part studies the main phonetic, morphological and lexical features on the vernacular Lesbian dialect, as well as its origin itself. Also, this first part associates the Lesbian dialect tothe Attic one. The second part is centered on the characterization of the dialects used by Sappho and Alcaeus, paying special attention to phonetic, morphological and lexical features. Additionally, it includes a list of the hapax legomena which occurs in the fragments of Lesbian poets and draws some examples of the different uses of the dialect.


dialecto lesbio, fonética, morfología, léxico, hapax legomena.

Author Biography

Ronald Forero Álvarez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Licenciado en Español y Filología Clásica.Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Profesor Universidad de la Sabana .Instituto de Humanidades Departamento de Lengua y Literatura.