Youth sexual and political activism in public high schools of Santiago.



This article is based on the research work called Dinámicas relacionales entre jóvenes de activismo sexopolítico y las personas adultas de la comunidad educativa en liceos públicos de Santiago (“Relational dynamics between sexual and political young activists and adults from the educational community of public high schools of Santiago”), which is included in youth studies. Its lines of work are political action, intergenerational relationships, and gender. The article covers the relational dynamics between young people and adults in public high schools concerning youth sexual and political activism, and it intends to gain an understanding of the relationship between young people coming from these collective activisms and adults from these schools, as an expression of their gender-related and sexuality-related transformations. In methodological terms, I have gone deeper into the complexity of intragenerational and intergenerational interactions, mainly by means of interviews. The results obtained are a contribution to gain a deeper understanding of a broader social transformation regarding the construction of gender, and of a fracture of the adult-centric/patriarchal relationship model in these types of school.



Author Biography

MARCIA RAVELO MEDINA, Núcleo de Investigación y Acción en Juventudes, Universidad de Chile.

Profesora de Filosofía, Magíster en Educación, mención Currículum y Comunidad Educativa, Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile. Integrante Núcleo de Investigación y Acción en Juventudes, Universidad de Chile. Facilitadora de talleres y programas formativos con jóvenes y docentes. Correo electrónico: