Youth, work and state mechanisms. Critical contribution to sociology of youth from the perspective of governmentality


  • María Gabriela Brandán Zehnder Universidad Católica de Córdoba


The article proposes a critical analysis from the perspective of governmentality about the ways in which the sociology of youth in general, and the approach of transitions in particular, study theoretical and methodologically the link between youth and work and the analysis conducted respect of the state mechanisms for youth work insertion. It is sustained that this perspective has been dominant over the interpretation of youth issues and the world of work, helping to build the problems and, thus, their objectification. In this respect, from the analysis of their dimensions and the influence they have in the planning of state mechanisms for youth work insertion, are proposed some other alternatives for dealing with them from a perspective over their power effects.


public policy, transitions, employability

Author Biography

María Gabriela Brandán Zehnder, Universidad Católica de Córdoba

Licenciada en Ciencia Política (UCC). Becaria de Postgrado CONICET. Doctorada en Ciencia Política (CEA-UNC). Docente de la Facultad de Ciencia Política y RRII (UCC). Investigadora del Colectivo de Investigación «Llano en llamas». Córdoba, Argentina. E-Mail: