(Un) focused senses of work: Towards a reconstruction of usual itineraries outlined by poor youth


  • Eugenia Roberti Universidad Nacional de La Plata


The article deals with the constitution of the career paths of young men from suburbs. From a theoretical-methodological perspective, these paths are conceived as a crossing point between structural and biographical aspects, understanding that the linear transition processes of young people have been fractured and need to be analyzed by critical points of view regarding a multiplicity of life fields. That is why this research is concerned about interdependence of multiple factors shaping youth paths: education, family, neighborhood and peers. A typology has been developed, showing up, based on an empirical analysis, as a prominent finding to elucidate the paths followed by young individuals from a same socio-cultural environment in order to configure subjectivities and draw divergent paths.


youth condition, life and career paths, typology

Author Biography

Eugenia Roberti, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Licenciada en sociología, Magíster y Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Becaria doctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), con sede en el Centro de Investigaciones Sociales (CIS-IDES/PREJET). E-Mail: eugenia.roberti@hotmail.com.