Feminization of society through the student movement: A dormant process



The feministization of social movements and the political sphere in Chile, because of the impact of Feminist May, marks the beginning of a new cycle for social movements. This article addresses the feminist transformation of Chilean society because of the May 2018 mobilization. This phenomenon originated by encouraging self-criticism within the university student movement, questioning its role as a catalyst of social struggles, accusing it of perpetuating and protecting gender violence in the field of student politics. This reflection subsequently spread to female professors, civil servants and, finally, to Chilean society.This article concludes that the feministization process experienced by the student movement spread to other social movements, as well as to institutionalized political forces.


Feminist May, student movement, feministization

Author Biographies

Natalie Sofía Rojas Vilches, Universidad de Chile

Socióloga, Máster en Estudios Aplicados, Doctora en Ciencias Políticas. Investigación cualitativa, metodologías feministas, movimientos sociales y cambio constitucional.

Javier Oyarce Pizarro, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Sociólogo, Magíster en Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Investigación sobre movimientos sociales, acción colectiva y vulnerabilidades socionaturales.