Non-heteronormal sexual practices in women: violence and gynecological (in) attention



Regarding the gynecological care of women who maintain sexual relationships with other women, international literature has reported both the problems of accessibility to medical consultations, as well as myths, ignorance, acts of violence and discrimination that comes from health professionals. Given that there are few studies in Chile that study this problem, the present research is aimed to analyze, from this national context, how having a diverse sexual orientation influences the perceptions and experiences of young women regarding gynecological care. Concerning its results, it is noteworthy that in most cases different forms of discrimination, mistreatment, misinformation, and prejudice are illustrated. As a consequence, predominantly negative or fearful dispositions towards gynecological consultations are recorded, as well as a hindrance to the development of the sexual health of the women who participated in the study.


Gynecology, Heteronormativity, Discrimination, Non-Heterosexual Women.

Author Biographies

Valentina Andreani, Universidad de Chile

Socióloga de la Universidad de Chile. Diplomada en Género, Familia y Políticas Públicas por la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Chile.

Fabiana Ivankovic, Universidad de Chile

Socióloga de la Universidad de Chile. Diplomada en Análisis Político por la Facultad de Gobierno de la Universidad de Chile.

Catalina Díaz, Universidad de Chile

Socióloga de la Universidad de Chile.