Experiences of women victims of violence reporting to the colombian legal system


  • Nicolasa María Durán Palacio Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Sara Catalina Posada Marín


This research article presents the experiences of women victims of domestic violence in using the Colombian legal system. By means of a qualitative phenomenological design, a testimonial narrative method, supported by in-depth interviews, it was obtained the unveiling of the meanings of the experiences of denouncing women, victims of violence in their couple relationships, when they come in search of protection and guarantee of rights in the Colombian legal system. From the narrative analysis, four categories emerged: decision to denounce due to the intensification of the violence of couple, experience of reporting to the authorities, distrust in the legal system and negative consequences for the women victims of domestic abuse. It is concluded that women who report not only go through a complex process to break the cycle of aggressions in their couple relationships, but also suffer institutional violence in a hostile, not very empathetic legal system that re-victimizes them and is incapable of protecting their lives and rights.


Domestic violence, human rights violations, sexual stereotype, administration of justice, social justice