The legal effect of no suit´s reply in General Labour Procedure: ¿ficta confessio or ficta litis contestatio?


  • María Teresa Quintana Abbate Estudio Baranda Abogados


The regulation of default in suit´s reply, from the beginning of labour procedure reform, has promoted two opposing opinions, which assign different effects to the article 453 subsection 7° of the Labor Code. In order to prove the previous statement, this work offers an analysis which considers not only the effect of no suit´s reply, but also the legal possibility for the judge to omit the proofs in the trial because of the default, the opportunity to exercise the faculty and the necessary set of the controversial facts, even when there is a defendant in default, in observance of the constitutional guarantee, and also the opinion in doctrine and labour judicial precedent about the subject, with the purpose of elucidating the controversy. It can be concluded that it´s improbable to unify the opinions adopted, nevertheless a majority part of our justice, has been inclined towards the explicit support of one of the two existent interpretations, the ficta confessio.

Author Biography

María Teresa Quintana Abbate, Estudio Baranda Abogados

Licenciada en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad de Chile. Magister en Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social de la Universidad de Chile.2017. Abogada asesora y litigante en el Área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social del Estudio Baranda Abogados.