Las metamorfosis del trabajo: del trabajo al empleo (notas de lectura para una reconstrucción histórica-conceptual del trabajo)


  • Marcos López Oneto Universidad Andrés Bello


Throughout the history of mankind, work has recognized various legal, anthropological and sociological forms and structures. In this iteration of morphological changes, the socio-legal reality that we distinguish contemporaneously with the word employment is the actual predominant stage of development of work. That is to say, that employment is a kind of generic category of work. In this investigation, we essentially review the evolution of work toward employment. That is our north. Historically and dialectically, the legal and social relationship to which we refer with the word employment perhaps is to be understood as a kind of work that overcomes slavery, servitude and other subspecies of vassalage; corporate work and any other form of work that cannot be developed in full freedom and legal equality. Being the typical legal normative form of dependent work from the Fordist era of capitalism, employment has evolved and continues to evolve, just like the capitalist system of production.


Work, employment, slavery, Protestantism, capitalism, labor law

Author Biography

Marcos López Oneto, Universidad Andrés Bello

Abogado. Director del Departamento de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social de la Universidad Andrés Bello. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Magíster en Derecho con mención en Derecho Privado y Doctor en Derecho, por la Universidad de Chile.