This paper develops three basic statements we think are needed for the growth of social science. In the first place, that there is no opposition between society and nature, and that the social sciences study a kind of sociality (entailed on culture and consciousness) that is part of a more general analysis of the social world. In second place, that a universal theory of social processes is possible and it is not in opposition, but actually explains traits of social life usually thought as incompatible with the possibility of a general theory. In third place, that the space in which to build that theory, and one that allows to dissolve some traditional antinomies of social thought, is interaction.
social analysis, naturalism, general theory, interaction, sociality
Jiménez-Albornoz, J. (2017). A theory of sociality as interaction: towards a naturalistic, universal and interactional social analysis. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (59). Retrieved from