
Announcement RChD: Creación y Pensamiento |Vol. 10 Nº 18| JUN 2025 | Dossier: The multiscalar. Deadline for full manuscript submission: December 31, 2024. 

Social Representation of Death in the Papel Periódico Ilustrado (1881-1888)


  • Clara Isabel Recaman Departamento de Biblioteca y Recursos Educativos, Corporación Escuela de Artes y Letras, Bogotá, Colombia


This work analyzes the visual turn that occurred in the Papel Periódico Ilustrado with the inclusion of engravings related to the social representation of death, especially the post mortem portraits, stripped of all the symbolism to offer us a "natural portrait" in what is important is not the character, but the mortuary features and the testimony of a good death, in order to make solemn and eternalize the memento mori, within the collective life of the colombian society. It is about understanding how these images were visual texts, in charge of informing the recent events of the time, which, if today can be alien to our visual tastes, should be understood within the cultural context that had the death in the XIX century. As a man of his time, Alberto Urdaneta, founder and editor of the newspaper, became aware of the role played by the issue of death within mass communication, where the uses and functions of post-mortem portrait appeared as a result of a gradual adaptation of the practices in the private sphere to the public, within a clearly defined editorial policy.


19th century, Colombia, death, Papel Periódico Ilustrado, post mortem portraits, visual culture