Estudios de Administración 2023-01-21T00:00:00+00:00 Sergio Olavarrieta Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Estudios de </strong><strong>Administración</strong><strong> </strong>[ISSN: 0717-0653, e-ISSN: 0719-0816] is an Open Access double-blind peer-reviewed business Journal published and financed on a semester basis by the Business Department of the University of Chile since 1994, created to provide an academic forum for Chilean and Latin American community business academic community. <strong>Estudios de Administración</strong> publishes empirical research papers, methodological papers, systematic literature reviews, conceptual papers, and case studies in <strong>all business disciplines</strong> in both English and Spanish.</p> <p class="p1">Original manuscripts not previously published elsewhere, addressing matters of Strategy, Finance, Marketing, Accounting, Operations, Innovation, Management and Development of Human Resources, Organizational Change, Information Systems, Supply Chain, Entrepreneurship and Decision-Making, among other topics, relevant for Latin American business are the main focus of publication.</p> <p class="p1"><strong>AIMS AND SCOPE</strong></p> <p class="p2">We target a readership of Ibero-American and world scholars, graduate students, and business executives looking for new and solid knowledge in the field. We encourage authors and researchers from the academic community to present manuscripts for peer review in any of the five categories:</p> <ul> <li class="show"><strong>Empirical research work: </strong>Results of original research projects with empirical data analysis (qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed) associated with current literature, and research replicas with consistent or non-consistent results.</li> <li class="show"><strong>Methods, methodological approaches and measuring instruments: </strong>Manuscripts presenting the use of different methodologies and the application of models in different contexts, as well as studies that validate measurement instruments, bibliometrics, meta-analysis, or verifications of experimental procedures, which can be replicated are welcomed.</li> <li class="show"><strong>Literature reviews: </strong>Contemporary articles that conceptually and theoretically synthesize, integrate or advance different scopes in business administration disciplines, particularly in Latin America and emerging countries.</li> <li class="show"><strong>Teaching cases: </strong>Research articles based on real business situations, designed to instruct students in the faculties of administration and business, providing organizational experiences subject to reality, which allow the application of theoretical propositions and combine them with practical simulations and decision making.</li> <li class="show"><strong>Connection to practice:</strong> Studies that respond to the growing need for a greater focus on how business management and administration function, or on the way in which practitioners carry out their work in organizational practice. Research approaches such as <em>Strategy-as-Practice</em> (SAP), <em>Marketing-as-Practice</em> (MAP), <em>Innovation-as-Practice</em> (IAP), <em>Entrepreneurship-as-Practice</em> (EAP), etc. are welcome.</li> </ul> <p>In all cases, contributions are double-blind reviewed, and are judged by their merit, rigor, relevance and potential impact on the literature in the region and emerging markets.</p> <p>Cordially,</p> <p><strong>Sergio Olavarrieta<br /></strong><strong>Chief Editor.<br /></strong><strong>Associate Professor of Business.<br /></strong><strong>University of Chile.</strong></p> Desempeño internacional de las pequeñas y medianas empresas: el papel de la proactividad, la experiencia internacional y las redes 2022-09-06T11:27:48+00:00 Carlos Sandoval-Álvarez <p>El propósito de esta investigación es examinar el efecto del comportamiento gerencial proactivo y las redes comerciales internacionales en el desempeño internacional exhibido por una Mipyme. Además, verificamos si los gerentes con experiencia internacional despliegan más posturas proactivas y se valen de redes internacionales. Probamos un modelo de investigación, aplicando técnicas de modelado de ecuaciones estructurales, a una muestra de 130 empresas exportadoras costarricenses. Los resultados revelan que la experiencia internacional no se relaciona con el uso de las redes internacionales para hacer frente a los mercados extranjeros. Más bien, éstos muestran posturas proactivas hacia las oportunidades de exportación, lo que a su vez afecta positivamente en la intensidad de exportación de una Mypyme. No obstante, y el alcance geográfico de sus ventas de exportación y la rapidez de internacionalización de la Mipyme, parecen no tener relación con el nivel de proactividad del gerente.</p> 2022-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Estudios de Administracion Job satisfaction and organizational climate as mediators in the relationship between internal social responsibility and organizational commitment 2022-09-14T12:57:21+00:00 Oscar Licandro Different research have found a positive relationship between Internal Social Responsibility and the organizational commitment of employees, but the possible participation of other variables that mediate in this relationship needs to be studied in greater depth. The purpose of this paper is to assess whether this relationship is mediated by two widely studied factors in organizational management: employee satisfaction and the organizational climate. Information provided by a non-probabilistic sample of companies that have incorporated Social Responsibility into their operations in Uruguay was analyzed. A questionnaire was used that includes indicators on: specific Internal Social Responsibility practices, three dimensions of organizational commitment (identification, engagement and membership) and the two control variables (job satisfaction and organizational climate). It was found that Internal Social Responsibility correlates positively with two aspects of organizational commitment (identification and engagement), that this relationship is independent of the two control variables in the case of identification, but that it is mediated by them in the case of engagement. These results suggest that the relationship between Social Responsibility and organizational commitment is complex and that other factors intervene, therefore, in research and management, the role of these factors should be taken into account. 2022-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Estudios de Administracion The relationship between organizational culture and total quality management in SMEs 2022-10-06T14:37:26+00:00 Gerardo Hernandez Chavez José Luis Jaramillo Villanueva Yazmín Hernández Chávez <p>Organizational Culture is widely recognized as one of the fundamental elements for the successful implementation of Total Quality Management, which is not always easy to harmonize. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the development and commitment of workers towards quality and productivity. The purpose of this work is to analyze the correlation between Organizational Culture and the implementation of Total Quality Management practices through an empirical study in small and medium-sized companies in the clothing industry in the state of Tlaxcala,<br />Mexico. The study is quantitative and cross-sectional through the application of the Competence Values Framework to assess Organizational Culture and the model of the European Foundation for Quality Management to examine Total Quality Management. The information was obtained through a survey addressed to executives of the participating companies, and the data analyzed through descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, and simple regression analysis. The findings support a positive correlation between Organizational Culture and the implementation of Total Quality Management practices. The limitations of this study are its sectoral nature and the fact that it is restricted to a specific territory.</p> 2022-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Estudios de Administracion Understanding the service experience of the banking industry: A data mining approach 2022-12-21T20:22:21+00:00 Carolina Martinez Troncoso Alejandra Coronado Camila Gallegos The purpose of this research is to investigate the banking Service Experience (SE) using text mining, in order to propose management improvements based on the customer's perspective. The data was provided by a bank in Chile & contains structured & unstructured information in text format, collected through a Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey. The methodology used to process data was 6-step Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) model (Chapman et al., 2000). An analysis framework is applied to process the customer feedback data, which combines the previous work carried out by Ordenes et al., (2014); McColl-Kennedy et al., (2019) called ARC (Activities, Resources & Context) expanded because it includes Interactions & Client’s role. This research seeks to provide empirical evidence in relation to the application of the ARC model in a different industry, such as banking, which would help to determine key factors that would help improve management in terms of (1) contact points, (2) elements of value creation, (3) emotions, (4) cognitive responses, (5) escape intention. 2022-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Estudios de Administracion Awto: an innovative proposal to urban mobility in Chile 2022-08-18T14:03:20+00:00 Ismael Oliva Felix Lizama Javier Espinoza Mauricio Gherardelli <p>In June 2016, Awto, the first carsharing system in Chile, was launched through an initiative of the Kaufmann group, representative of Mercedes Benz in the country since 1950. After an investment of 2 million dollars, this business was put into operation with 5 stations and 45 cars. A year later they had 2,500 users, a fleet of 90 cars and 45 stations, and they were also located in 12 of the 32 districts of Santiago, where 5.6 million people lived in 2016. The company pointed out: “The Kaufmann group was aware that, in Chile, it was looking for new measures for high congestion, users were willing to change their lifestyle given the high pollution, noise and stress…and simply… you no longer know what to do…”. The proposal consisted of the implementation of a system that sought the entry of a carsharing car to replace the use of 10 private cars, allowing the clearing of streets, since there was no longer enough space for each inhabitant to have a car. By using Awto, environmental pollution was reduced, since the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) was reduced by generating a charge for use and time, creating a more rational use of the car. The creation of comfort for the user was encouraged, since he or she did not have to deal with “third parties” or do paperwork, maximizing his or her time to dedicate it to other activities. At the same time, car expenses for the customer were optimized because they were included (gasoline, insurance, maintenance, cleaning, etc.), which generated very significant savings in the consumer’s pocket. Strictly speaking, the private car was unoccupied 95% of the time, while carsharing cars could be in use up to 50% of the time (Awto, 2020).</p> <p>The company’s results so far were encouraging. Since its inception in 2016, and in a sustained manner, Awto has managed to increase its monthly income by 19%, as well as the average number of trips that amounted to 60 in mid-2017. Aspects such as flexibility, ease of use, savings for customers, improvements in the user experience, environmental and sustainability benefits associated with the service, as well as a marketing strategy to reach the appropriate customer, were important advantages that explained the success of the company to that date. Encouraged by the results, in mid-2017, Francisco Loehnert, who was the CEO of Awto, was analyzing with his team what the next step would be to continue growing. In particular, he wondered how attractive the business model was in a way that would allow Awto to continue to grow successfully. Undoubtedly, there were significant challenges and barriers to continue growing, so the executives asked themselves: will the company have to modify its operating model to address the different characteristics of location and market? How relevant is the eventual existing competition? What does Awto face? What should be the strategic planning for future growth in the Chilean market? And are the marketing and communications strategies used in Santiago easily replicable for other cities?</p> 2022-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Estudios de Administracion Analysis of strategies in de bovine livestock: application of the real options games framework 2022-09-06T11:34:41+00:00 Santiago Agustin Perez Santiago Ferro Moreno Gastón Silverio Milanesi <p>The beef cattle production model is characterized by being a process of sequential stages until the finished animal is achieved. At present, the valuation of decisions under contexts typical of the activity is linear and static. In the present work, a production and commercial decision model is analyzed and evaluated, considering market risks, technological risks and flexibility values ​​of possible strategies to reach the final phase of the production process. A multinomial model is proposed using exotic real options of the rainbow type. The development of a decision tree that allows describing the operation is carried out, as well as the mathematical approach and its due valuation. Real models were used in cases of livestock in the Pampas region at values ​​of March 2022. As results, it can be extracted what decision to make considering a single scenario, and with the comparison with the strategies according to positive and negative scenarios of the activity. It can be concluded with the potential, simplicity and advantages that the development and application of a real options model allows, valuing the strategic flexibility of the decisions, applied to the livestock complex.</p> 2023-01-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Estudios de Administracion Analysis of the Process of Recruitment, Selection and Hiring of Collaborators in Long Stay Establishments for the Elderly (ELEAM) in Chile 2022-12-21T10:54:51+00:00 Pedro Traverso Francisca Saldías Juan Dillarza <p>The accelerated aging of the population highlights the importance of countries preparing to care for and assist the elderly. The Long-Stay Establishments for the Elderly (ELEAM) are a fundamental piece in this care, and the people who work there are decisive in the quality of the service, attention and affection that is provided to the residents. Consequently, the recruitment, selection and hiring of these collaborators is essential.</p> <p>Through a literature review, a field study, and a survey, we identified several opportunities for improvement in this process. These opportunities were grouped into three categories: general improvements, improvements in the recruitment and selection process, and improvement in the retention of good employees.</p> <p>We believe that the analysis and eventual implementation of these opportunities could improve the skills, knowledge, and abilities of ELEAM's collaborators, improving the quality of the service they provide to older adults. </p> 2022-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Estudios de Administracion Effect of absenteeism and staff turnover of the productivity and sale of ecuadorian pork slaughter and sale company: 2020-2021 2022-10-21T19:35:39+00:00 Monica Llanos Encalada Karen Krystel Castillo Corral Staff turnover and absenteeism in the company, have increased, causing job dissatisfaction due to factors such as the position held and working conditions. The objective of the research was to analyze the factors that affect productivity, which also influences the dual worker- employer link. The internal rotation of collaborators has been implemented as a solution to cover the absence of others. The methodology used consisted of a qualitative and quantitative approach that allowed analyzing the variables raised, with a descriptive and explanatory cross. Sectional, non- experimental investigation that led to the identification of the causes and dissatisfactions presented by the staff, from the perspective of the worker, they take on a supporting role. Through documentary analysis and application of surveys, the relationship of direct influence that exists between the variables is verified. 2022-11-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Estudios de Administracion