Foucauldian archeology and critical discourse analysis: two compatible readings for an exercise of historical analysis



The article approaches the Foucauldian archeology and the critical discourse analysis model (ACD) proposed by Norman Fairclough, to establish if they can be applied together to carry out a historical analysis. After the documentary review, it is concluded that archeology, although it does not represent a specific method that can be used schematically, responds to a series of principles that allow its articulation with a much more structured ACD model, given the conception shared by both of discourse as a practice that forms the objects of which it speaks.


Method, Methodology, Eventualization, Problematization, Investigation

Author Biography

Yuliana Andrea Salcedo Escobar, Universidad de Antioquia-Seccional Bajo Cauca

Docente programa de Psicología, Universidad de Antioquia-Seccional Bajo Cauca. Psicóloga, Magíster en Investigación Psicoanalítica y Candidata a Doctora en Salud Pública-Cuarta Cohorte (Universidad de Antioquia). Medellín, Colombia.
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